Summer School 2020

The Summer School aims to attract doctoral and post-doctoral students, as well as researchers and young professionals not only in law, political science and international and European studies, but also from other sea-related sectors, such as maritime economics and marine science, where an understanding of the impact of EU law is becoming more and more essential.

Among the (confirmed) speakers will be the Deputy Registrar of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, senior personnel of the Italian Coast Guard and staff of the Italian Navy’s Hydrographic Institute, in addition to practitioners and academics from various Universities in Italy and abroad.

Outline programme 2020

The two weeks of the summer school will be structured around four main modules (introductory notions, including dispute settlement; maritime safety, maritime security and marine environmental protection; individuals at sea; baselines and delimitation) during which a mixture of traditional ex cathedra lectures, to be delivered by academics and practitioners. Additional activities will include a half-day roundtable on the “maritime silk road”. Group works will also be organized, with a view to further deepening the knowledge of the topics covered during the modules and to stimulate interaction among participants

Typically, teaching will occupy four academic hours in the morning and two academic hours in the afternoon (excluding Fridays when afternoons will be free). In total, 56 academic hours of didactics will be ensured.

The detailed schedule of the 2020 edition of the summer school is available below. The above description is subject to adjustments until confirmed as final.
Those who have successfully participated to the various activities will be issued a certificate of attendance.

Watch this space or drop an email to the EULoS team to know more!

Practical information

Teaching period

The summer school will be held from 24 August – 4 September 2020.
It will consist of 56 academic hours of teaching activities inclusive of traditional ex cathedra lectures, classroom training and group activities and a half-day roundtable.

Teaching platform

Because of the pandemic of Covid-19 and the restrictions imposed by various governments and also due to the difficulty to arrange international and domestic travel, the summer school will be held as a digital event on the Teams by Microsoft platform. No subscription fee will be applied.

Certificate and accreditation

Participants who actively participate in the whole course and successfully complete the assigned coursework will be issued with a certificate of attendance.

The course has been credited by the Department of Law of the University of Genoa with 9 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits.

Fee and payment

No subscription fee will be applied.

Admission procedure

Subject to the process described above for fee-waiver positions, applications will be examined on a rolling basis and interested candidates are therefore invited to apply as soon as possible. Please write to


Scientific committee


Università degli Studi di Genova and SCD Avvocati & Partners, Genova


Hugo Grotius gGmbH | Institute for the Law of the Sea and International Marine Environmental Law (ISRIM), Bremen


Hugo Grotius gGmbH | Institute for the Law of the Sea and International Marine Environmental Law (ISRIM), Bremen
Teaching staff

Leonardo Scavino

University of Genoa

Vincenzo p. Leone

italian Coast Guard (Genoa, Italy)

Warwick Gullett

University of Wollongong (Australia)

Keyuan Zou

University of Central Lancashire (Preston, UK)

Fabrizio Marrella

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy)

PROF. AVV. Chiara Tuo

Università degli Studi di Genova and Studio Legale Carbone D'Angelo, Genova

Vasco Becker-Weinberg, LL.M.

University “Nova” (Lisbon, Portugal)

Pierangelo Celle

University of Genoa (Italy)

Aref Fakhry

World Maritime University (Malmoe, Sweden)

Jan Wouters

KU Leuven (Belgium)

Jacob Terling

European Commission (Brussels, Belgium)

Francesca Ronco

Siccardi Bregante & C. (Genoa, Italy)

David Ong

Liverpool John Moore University (UK) (TBC)

Francesco Munari

University of Genoa (Italy)

Maria Gavouneli

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece) (TBC)

Ximena Hinrichs

International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (Hamburg, Germany)

Frederick J. Kenney

International Maritime Organization (London, UK)

Antonio Leandro

University of Bari (Italy)

Massimiliano Nannini

Italian Navy’s Hydrographic Institute (Genoa, Italy)

Please note that the list of the teaching staff is in progress and will be completed soon. It is also subject to amendments until confirmed as final.


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