Summer School 2016

The summer school aims to attract doctoral and post doctoral students, as well as researchers and young professionals not only in law, political science and international and European studies, but also from other sea-related sectors, such as maritime economics and marine science, where an understanding of the impact of EU law is becoming more and more essential.

Among the (confirmed) speakers will be the Head of the Legal Office of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and a member of the faculty of the World Maritime University, in addition to practitioners and academics from various Universities.

Outline programme 2016

A number of general and more specific issues, touching upon several topical subjects, will be dealt with during the summer school.
For the 2016 edition teaching will in particular focus on the following four areas:

  1. Introductory notions
    • International Law of the Sea: Foundations, Recent Trends and Developments
    • EU and the Law of the Sea: From UNCLOS 1992 to the Integrated Maritime Policy of the EU
    • The International and European Institutional Framework
    • Brexit and the Law of the Sea [ NEW ! ]
    • Dispute Settlement in the Law of the Sea: Global and Regional Approaches
    • International and EU Law of the Sea: Coherence or Conflict?
  2. Individuals at Sea
    • Human Rights at Sea in General
    • Right of Protest at Sea
    • Human Trafficking by Sea
    • Migration by Sea
    • Principles of Labour Law Applicable to Seafarers
  3. Safety, Security and Marine Environmental Protection
    • Maritime Safety in International and EU Law
    • Maritime Piracy
    • Marine Environmental Law: Current Trends
    • Ships Recycling
    • The Use of Satellite Techniques in the Enforcement of the Law of the Sea
  4. Legal Implications of Blue Growth
    • Deep Seabed Mining
    • Genetic Resources and Intellectual Property
    • Ocean Energy: Offshore Oil & Gas
    • Coastal Economy and Coastal Tourism
    • Aquaculture

Each of the above four modules will cover two days of lectures, after which a practical activity (group work) will be held to test the knowledge and the skills acquired.

Two field trips are being planned to Bremerhaven and Hamburg to visit the port area and the premises of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, respectively. Watch this space to be informed of any development.

Please note that the list of subjects is subject to amendments until confirmed as final.

Practical information

How to apply

The application period runs from 1 April – 5 August July 2016; please send an e-mail in order to obtain additional information or use the electronic application form provided to apply. This will be sent automatically to the organization together with the applicable attachments. No more than 30 participants will be admitted.
The ideal candidate will have completed a five- or at least a three-year long university program in law, political science, international relations, maritime studies, marine science, maritime economy or equivalent.
Students enrolled in a University program lasting longer than three years, who are at least in their fourth year and with an interest in the field will also be considered.
Ph.D. students, post-doctoral researchers and young professionals in any of the above areas are encouraged to apply.
The working language of the summer school is English; a good command of English is therefore essential and evidence of proficiency may be requested (picture: Haus der Wissenschaft, Bremen).

Teaching period

The summer school will be held from 22 August – 2 September 2016.
It will consist of 54 hours of teaching activities inclusive of traditional ex cathedra lectures, classroom training and workgroups and a half-day workshop (picture: Haus Schütting, Bremen).


22-25 and 29 August 2016Haus der Wissenschaft Bremen (House of Science Bremen), Sandstr. 4/5, 28195 Bremen.
30 August – 1 September 2016Handelskammer Bremen-Bremerhaven (Bremen Chambers of Commerce – CCI for Bremen and Bremerhaven, Haus Schütting), Am Markt 13, 28195 Bremen.

Certificate and accreditation

Participants who actively participate in the whole course and successfully complete the assigned coursework will be issued with a certificate of attendance.

The course has been credited by the Department of Law of the University of Genoa with 9 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits.

Fee and payment

Regular fee: € 750.00.

“Early bird” fee: € 500.00 for successful applications received on or before 17 June 2016.

The fees indicated above cover tuition and study materials only. Travel, accommodation and all other contingent costs (including insurance coverage) will have to be born by the individual participants directly.

Registration fees will not be reimbursed in case of cancellation or no show. Unfortunately, we are not in a position to offer scholarships or full or partial fee waivers.

Admission procedure

Applications will be examined on a rolling basis and interested candidates are therefore invited to apply as soon as possible.

Applications received on or before 29 May 2016 will be examined on or before 3 June 2016 and, when successful, in order to benefit of the “early bird” rate, will have to be followed by dispatch of proof of payment to no later than on 10 June 2016.
Unless all available places are taken earlier, the admission process will end on 5 August 2016, all applicants will receive feedback on or before 12 August 2016 and, in order to be admitted, successful applicants will have to show proof of payment by sending it to by 19 August 2016.
Payments will have to me made to the University of Genoa’s bank account whose details are as follows:

Description: EULOS 2016



Participants are required to make their individual arrangements for travel.
Bremen can be easily reached by air, train or car, the nearest airport being City Airport Bremen.

Although participants have to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements, the following solutions are highlighted due to the fact that they are reasonably priced and conveniently located at a walking distance from the area where teaching will take place:

In addition, a limited number of single occupancy rooms have been reserved for participants at “7THINGS – my basic hotel” until 4 July 2016 at the following competitive rates:
Euro 61 per night, per person, inclusive of wi-fi connection. Breakfast is available at an optional Euro 6,50 daily rate, per person.
Bookings have to be placed directly with the hotel; by quoting the “EULOS2016” reference the promotional rate will be applied.
Please note that the 7THINHS hotel is located at approximately 15 minutes by tram from the area where teaching will take place.


Scientific committee


Università degli Studi di Genova and SCD Avvocati & Partners, Genova


Hugo Grotius gGmbH | Institute for the Law of the Sea and International Marine Environmental Law (ISRIM), Bremen


Hugo Grotius gGmbH | Institute for the Law of the Sea and International Marine Environmental Law (ISRIM), Bremen
Teaching staff

PROF. Seline Trevisanut

University of Utrecht

PROF. Frank Reininghaus, M.ENG., M.P.S.

University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven

PROF. Maria Elena De Maestri

Università degli Studi di Genova

Vasco Becker-Weinberg, LL.M.

University “Nova” (Lisbon, Portugal)

Pierangelo Celle

University of Genoa (Italy)

Jan Wouters

KU Leuven (Belgium)

David Ong

Liverpool John Moore University (UK) (TBC)

Francesco Munari

University of Genoa (Italy)

Ximena Hinrichs

International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (Hamburg, Germany)

MR. Nicolò Sanguinetti

Università degli Studi di Genova Law Graduate

MR. Mirko Forti

Università degli Studi di Genova PhD Candidate

Please note that the list of the teaching staff is in progress and will be completed soon. It is also subject to amendments until confirmed as final.


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